Cost to Serve – The changing face of technology costs

One of the fundamentally flawed assumptions we may be working to is that (as for most of history) People use technology… We are on the cusp of working in a business reality where we must lead, manage, and make decisions in an environment where Technology uses...

Navigating Accountability in the Age of AI

In the evolving landscape of financial services and technology, executives find themselves under growing scrutiny. The Financial Accountability Regime (FAR) calls for transparency, ethical behaviour, and personal responsibility. But with Artificial Intelligence (AI)...

Automation does not equal efficiency

It’s no secret that organisations are diving headfirst into investing in automation, seeing its potential to make things more efficient through cutting down manual work to focus on more impactful work. Superannuation funds are seizing this momentum, with 73.2%...

Even an Apple has a USB – The Modern Operating Model

In Super we have grown up with closed loop service environments that have provided us with: Resilience, Scale, and Distributed investment in technology. And as recently as 18 months ago IQ ran a masterclass in Super fund operating models, which for its time was quite...